SourceJammer 1.3.0 November 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan

Uses of Class

Packages that use FileAccessException

Uses of FileAccessException in org.sourcejammer.project

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project that throw FileAccessException

Uses of FileAccessException in org.sourcejammer.project.controller

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.controller that throw FileAccessException
 void PreviousVersionSourceMaker.makePreviousVersionSource( deltaTarget)
          To use resourceses most wisely, I recommend that newVersion be already saved to disk before this method is called.
 void Archive.copyFile(long fileID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String userName)
          Copies the specified file from one project to another.
 void Archive.moveProject(long projectID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String newProjectName)
 void Archive.copyProject(long projectID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String newProjectName)
          Copies the specified project and all children from one project to another.
 void Archive.moveFile(long fileID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID)
          Moves the specified file from one project to another.
 void Archive.setArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          Sets the ArchiveInfo object for this Archive.
 Project Archive.getRootProject()
          Returns the view Project for the root node of the archive for this ProjectController.
 long Archive.addProject(long parentID, java.lang.String name)
          Adds a new project at the specified location (the NodeName object) to this archive.
 long Archive.addFile(long parentID, java.lang.String name, file, FileProperties props, java.lang.String userName)
          Adds a new file to this archive, at the specified location.
 java.lang.String Archive.getFileDescription(long fileID)
          Returns the description of a file.
 void Archive.setFileDescription(long fileID, java.lang.String description)
          Changes description of a file.
 long Archive.getVersionFileSizeInBytes(long fileID, int versionNumber)
          Gets the size of the version file in bytes.
 long Archive.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path)
          Returns unique id based on a path.
 long Archive.addNewVersion(long fileID, newVersion, java.lang.String comment, java.lang.String userName)
          Adds a new version to an existing file.
 Project Archive.getProject(long projectID)
          Get Project object (info about project).
 File Archive.getFile(long fileID)
          Get File object (info about file). Archive.getLatestVersionSourceFilePointer(long fileID)
          Returns object for latest version's source.
 long Archive.getFileLatestVersion(long fileID, int requestedEOL)
          Get latest version of file source to temp dir and return temp file ID.
 TextLineReader Archive.getFileLatestVersionTLR(long fileID)
          Get latest version of text file source as TextLineReader.
 Delta Archive.getFileVersionDelta(long versionID)
          Get specified delta object for file.
 void Archive.removeProject(long parentID, long projectID)
          Remove specified project from the project hierarchy.
 void Archive.removeFile(long parentID, long fileID)
          Remove specified file from project hierarchy. Archive.retrieveVersionDeltaFile(NodeInfo versionNode)
 void Archive.rollbackToVersion(long fileID, long versionID, newLatestVersion)
          Rollback specified file to specified version number.
 void Archive.setVersionComment(long fileID, int version, java.lang.String comment)
          Set the comment of the specified version.
 java.lang.String Archive.getVersionComment(long versionID)
          Get the comment for the specified version.
 void Archive.checkOutFile(long fileID, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String checkOutLocation)
          Set status of specified file to checked out.
 void Archive.checkInFile(long fileID)
          Set status of specified file to checked in.
 FileNode Archive.getFileNode(long fileID)
          Allows "master control" to look at file info to verify check out, check in, file type, etc.
 FileNode Archive.getFileNode(long fileID, boolean readOnly)
          Allows "master control" to look at file info to verify check out, check in, file type, etc.
 void Archive.releaseFileNode(FileNode nd)
          Release a file node.
 void Archive.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
          Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 void Archive.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, java.lang.String newName, int index)
          & Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 java.util.Vector Archive.getRemovedNodes(long projectID)
          Returns a Vector of NodeInfo objects, one for each node that has been removed (but not permanently deleted) from the parent project.
 void Archive.permanentlyDeleteRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
          Permanently delete the specified removed node from the archive.
 void Archive.makeLabeledVersion(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, long parentID, java.lang.String userName)
          Create and save a new labeled version with the passed-in name and description and containing all of the latest versions that are children of parent.
 Label Archive.getLabelContentList(long labelID, int versionNumber)
          Returns the Label object (which contains the sourcejammer path and version number for each object in the labeled version) with the specified name.
 void Archive.rebuildLabel(long labelID, java.lang.String description, long parentProjectID, java.lang.String userName)
 void Archive.renameFile(long parentID, long fileID, java.lang.String newName)
 void Archive.renameProject(long parentID, long projectID, java.lang.String newName)
abstract  void key, ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          To be implemented by model implementation of this class for storing needed data from this node.
static Label Label.buildFromXML(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
 java.lang.String Label.getXMLText()
static NodeList ControllerUtil.buildProjectChildList(ProjectNode projectNode, NodeLibrary lib)
          Builds a NodeList of NodeInfo objects of a ProjectNode's children.
static java.lang.String ControllerUtil.getPathFromProject(ProjectNode project, NodeLibrary library)
          public static NodeName buildNodeNameObject(ControllerNode node){ if (node instanceof VersionNode){ throw new BadMethodArgumentException("Cannot call buildNodeNameObject() for VersionNode."); } NodeName oNameObject = new NodeName(); oNameObject.setName(node.getNodeName()); ControllerNode oParentNode = node.getParent(); if (oParentNode != null){ //Note reflexive call to this same method below.
static long ControllerUtil.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path, NodeLibrary library)
          Converts a string path and parent project id into the id of a node.
static void TextFileUtil.convertTextFileAsFileForStorage( file)
static void TextFileUtil.convertTextFileAsFileForStorage( file, boolean expandKeywords, ProjectObjects projObj)
 void ProjectController.setArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          Sets the ArchiveInfo object for this ProjectController.
 void ProjectController.copyFile(long fileID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String userName)
          Copies the specified file from one project to another.
 void ProjectController.moveFile(long fileID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID)
          Moves the specified file from one project to another.
 void ProjectController.moveProject(long projectID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String newProjectName)
          Moves the specified project from one project to another.
 void ProjectController.copyProject(long projectID, long parentProjectID, long newParentProjectID, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String newProjectName)
 Project ProjectController.getRootProject()
          Returns the view Project for the root node of the archive for this ProjectController.
 long ProjectController.addProject(long parentID, java.lang.String name)
          Adds a new project at the specified location (the NodeName object) to this archive.
 long ProjectController.addFile(long projectID, java.lang.String name, file, FileProperties props, java.lang.String userName)
          Adds a new file to this archive, at the specified location.
 java.lang.String ProjectController.getFileDescription(long fileID)
          Gets and returns the description of a file.
 void ProjectController.setFileDescription(long fileID, java.lang.String description)
          Changes description of a file.
 long ProjectController.addNewVersion(long fileID, newVersion, java.lang.String comment, java.lang.String userName)
          Adds a new version to an existing file.
 Project ProjectController.getProject(long projectID)
          Get Project object (info about project).
 File ProjectController.getFile(long fileID)
          Get File object (info about file). ProjectController.getLatestVersionSourceFilePointer(long fileID)
          Returns object for latest version's source.
 long ProjectController.getFileLatestVersion(long fileID, int requestedEOL)
          Get latest version of file source to temp dir and return temp file ID.
 TextLineReader ProjectController.getFileLatestVersionTLR(long fileID)
          Get latest version of text file source as TextLineReader.
 Delta ProjectController.getFileVersionDelta(long versionID)
          Get specified delta object for file.
 void ProjectController.removeProject(long parentID, long projectID)
          Remove specified project from the project hierarchy.
 void ProjectController.removeFile(long parentID, long fileID)
          Remove specified file from specified project.
 void ProjectController.rollbackToVersion(long fileID, long versionID, newLatestVersion)
          Rollback specified file to specified version number. ProjectController.retrieveVersionDeltaFile(NodeInfo versionNode)
 void ProjectController.setVersionComment(long fileID, int version, java.lang.String comment)
          Set the comment of the specified version.
 long ProjectController.getVersionFileSizeInBytes(long fileID, int versionNumber)
          Gets the size of the version file in bytes.
 java.lang.String ProjectController.getVersionComment(long versionID)
          Get the comment for the specified version.
 void ProjectController.checkOutFile(long fileID, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String checkOutLocation)
          Set status of specified file to checked out.
 void ProjectController.checkInFile(long fileID)
          Set status of specified file to checked in.
 long ProjectController.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path)
 FileNode ProjectController.getFileNode(long fileID)
          Allows "master control" to look at file info to verify check out, check in, file type, etc.
 FileNode ProjectController.getFileNode(long fileID, boolean readOnly)
          Allows "master control" to look at file info to verify check out, check in, file type, etc.
 void ProjectController.releaseFileNode(FileNode nd)
          Release a file node.
 void ProjectController.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
 void ProjectController.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, java.lang.String newName, int index)
          Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 void ProjectController.renameFile(long parentID, long fileID, java.lang.String newName)
 void ProjectController.renameProject(long parentID, long projectID, java.lang.String newName)
 void ProjectController.permanentlyDeleteRemovedNode(long projectID, int index)
          Permanently delete specified removed node.
 java.util.Vector ProjectController.getRemovedNodes(long projectID)
          Returns a Vector of NodeInfo objects, one for each node that has been removed (but not permanently deleted) from the parent project.
 void ProjectController.makeLabeledVersion(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, long parentProjectID, java.lang.String userName)
          Create and save a new labeled version with the passed-in name and description and containing all of the latest versions that are children of parent.
 void ProjectController.rebuildLabel(long labelID, java.lang.String description, long parentProjectID, java.lang.String userName)
 Label ProjectController.getLabelContentList(long labelID, int versionNumber)
          Returns the Label object (which contains the sourcejammer path and version number for each object in the labeled version) with the specified name.
protected  Project ProjectController.projectNodeToProject(ProjectNode ndProject)
protected  Label ProjectController.buildLabel(Label label, long parentProjectID, java.lang.String baseSJPath, long skipFile)
          This method recursively calls itself until it has put all of the latest versions of all the file nodes in parent (and in all ProjectNode children of parent) into label.
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.permanentlyDeleteRemovedChildNode(int index, ArchiveInfoFlex info, long key)
          Permanently delete a removed node from this cache and from the storage system.
 Archive ArchiveFactory.getArchive(java.lang.String archiveName)
 void ArchiveFactory.deleteArchive(java.lang.String archiveName)
          Uses only filesys.
 void ArchiveFactory.makeArchive(java.lang.String archiveName, java.lang.String rootPath)
          Uses filesys as default implementation.
 java.lang.String[] ArchiveFactory.getArchiveNames()
 void ArchiveFactory.makeArchive(java.lang.String archiveName, java.lang.String rootPath, int implementation)
 void PreviousVersionSourceRetreiver.retreiveSource( flTarget)

Uses of FileAccessException in org.sourcejammer.project.model

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.model that throw FileAccessException
 ArchiveInfoFlex ArchiveGetter.getArchiveInfo(java.lang.String name)
 Archive ArchiveGetter.getArchive(ArchiveInfoFlex archive)
 void ArchiveGetter.addArchive(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String pathToArchiveRoot)
 java.util.Enumeration ArchiveGetter.getArchiveNames()
 void ArchiveGetter.saveArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfoFlex info)
 void ArchiveGetter.deleteArchive(ArchiveInfoFlex archive)
 ProjectNode NodeLibrary.getProjectNode(long nodeID)
          Retrieve or construct a ProjectNode based on it's node id.
 FileNode NodeLibrary.getFileNode(long nodeID)
          Retrieve or construct a FileNode based on it's node id.
 FileNode NodeLibrary.getFileNode(long nodeID, boolean readOnly)
          Retrieve or construct a FileNode based on it's node id.
 void NodeLibrary.releaseNode(ControllerNode nd)
          Releases the node after use.
 void NodeLibrary.storeLabel(LabelInfo labelInfo, Label label, NodeList allLabels)
          Subclasses should implement to store the labeled version info.
 void NodeLibrary.storeVersionFull(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, file)
          Subclasses should implement to store version file in the model implementation.
 void NodeLibrary.storeVersionDelta(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, file)
          Subclasses should implement to store file delta in the model implementation.
 void NodeLibrary.storeVersionTextDiff(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, TextDiff file)
 ProjectNode NodeLibrary.getNewProjectFromModel()
          Subclasses should implement this to return a new ProjectNode object.
 FileNode NodeLibrary.getNewFileNodeFromModel()
          Subclasses should implement this to return a new FileNode object.
 long NodeLibrary.getNextVersionNodeID()
          Returns next unique ID for a version.
 LabelInfo NodeLibrary.getNewLabelInfoFromModel()
 void NodeLibrary.storeVersionComment(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, java.lang.String comment)
 java.lang.String NodeLibrary.retrieveVersionComment(long versionID)
 byte[] NodeLibrary.retrieveVersionFull(NodeInfo versionNode)
 TextLineReader NodeLibrary.retrieveVersionTextLineReader(NodeInfo versionNode)
          When implemented, this method returns the full source of the specified VersionNode as a TextLineReader.
 Delta NodeLibrary.retrieveVersionDelta(NodeInfo versionNode)
 Label NodeLibrary.retrieveLabel(LabelInfo labelInfo)
    NodeLibrary.retrieveVersionDeltaFile(NodeInfo versionNode)
 NodeList NodeLibrary.retrieveLabelList()
          Loads all the labels for this archive as a NodeList.
 void NodeLibrary.deleteNode(ControllerNode node)
 java.lang.String NodeLibrary.getProjectChildName(ProjectChild child)
          Low impact way of getting a node's name without adding the node or any of it's children to the cache.
 void NodeLibrary.removeVersion(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID)
          Remove all files assocaited with version from model.
static void Conversion.runConversion()
static void Conversion.runConversionOneTwo()
static void Conversion.convertArchive(ArchiveInfoFS arch)
static void Conversion.runConversionOneThree()
          Converts server from version 1.2 to version 1.3.

Uses of FileAccessException in org.sourcejammer.project.model.filesys

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.model.filesys that throw FileAccessException
 void key, ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          Creates and stores the XML file for this Node.
 ProjectNode NodeLibraryFS.getProjectNode(long nodeID)
 java.lang.String NodeLibraryFS.getProjectChildName(ProjectChild child)
          Return the name of a project child object.
 FileNode NodeLibraryFS.getFileNode(long nodeID)
          Retrieves and locks a File node on the file system.
 FileNode NodeLibraryFS.getFileNode(long nodeID, boolean readOnly)
          Retrieve or construct a FileNode based on it's node id.
 void NodeLibraryFS.releaseNode(ControllerNode nd)
protected  void NodeLibraryFS.unlockNode(ControllerNode nd)
 void NodeLibraryFS.storeLabel(LabelInfo labelInfo, Label label, NodeList allLabels)
          Subclasses should implement to store the labeled version info.
 void NodeLibraryFS.storeVersionFull(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, file)
          Subclasses should implement to store version file in the model implementation.
 void NodeLibraryFS.storeVersionDelta(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, file)
          Subclasses should implement to store file delta in the model implementation.
 void NodeLibraryFS.storeVersionTextDiff(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, TextDiff file)
 ProjectNode NodeLibraryFS.getNewProjectFromModel()
          Subclasses should implement this to return a new ProjectNode object.
 FileNode NodeLibraryFS.getNewFileNodeFromModel()
          Subclasses should implement this to return a new FileNode object.
 long NodeLibraryFS.getNextVersionNodeID()
          Returns next unique ID for a version.
 LabelInfo NodeLibraryFS.getNewLabelInfoFromModel()
 void NodeLibraryFS.storeVersionComment(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID, java.lang.String comment)
 java.lang.String NodeLibraryFS.retrieveVersionComment(long versionID)
 byte[] NodeLibraryFS.retrieveVersionFull(NodeInfo versionNode)
 TextLineReader NodeLibraryFS.retrieveVersionTextLineReader(NodeInfo versionNode)
          When implemented, this method returns the full source of the specified VersionNode as a TextLineReader. NodeLibraryFS.retrieveVersionDeltaFile(NodeInfo versionNode)
 Delta NodeLibraryFS.retrieveVersionDelta(NodeInfo versionNode)
 Label NodeLibraryFS.retrieveLabel(LabelInfo labelInfo)
 NodeList NodeLibraryFS.retrieveLabelList()
          Loads all the labels for this archive as a NodeList.
 void NodeLibraryFS.deleteNode(ControllerNode node)
 void NodeLibraryFS.removeVersion(FileNode ndFile, long fileKey, long versionID)
          Remove all files assocaited with version from file system.
 void key, ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          Creates and stores the XML file for this Node.
static Label ConversionTools.xmlToLabelVer1_0(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String fileName, NodeLibrary oLibrary)
static void Util.deleteNodeAndAllChildrenFromFileSys(java.lang.String rootPath, NodeFS node, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Removes the node and all of its children from the file system.
static NodeAndShareParentPath XMLUtilFS.xmlToProject(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, long lKey, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Sets only basic information of children.
static NodeAndShareParentPath XMLUtilFS.xmlToProject(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, ProjectNodeFS ndProject, long lKey, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Builds ProjectNode.
 void key, ArchiveInfoFlex info)
          For now this method does nothing.
 java.util.Enumeration FileSysArchiveGetter.getArchiveNames()
 java.lang.String FileSysArchiveGetter.getFullPathToArchiveInfoObject(java.lang.String name)
 ArchiveInfoFlex FileSysArchiveGetter.getArchiveInfo(java.lang.String name)
 Archive FileSysArchiveGetter.getArchive(ArchiveInfoFlex archive)
 void FileSysArchiveGetter.saveArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfoFlex info)
 void FileSysArchiveGetter.saveArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfo info)
          Does nothing.
 void FileSysArchiveGetter.addArchive(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String pathToArchiveRoot)
 void FileSysArchiveGetter.deleteArchive(ArchiveInfoFlex archive)

Constructors in org.sourcejammer.project.model.filesys that throw FileAccessException
ArchiveInfoFlexFS(java.lang.String archiveName)

Uses of FileAccessException in org.sourcejammer.project.view

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.view that throw FileAccessException
static ArchiveInfoFlex MasterControlProgram.getArchiveInfo(java.lang.String archiveName)

SourceJammer 1.3.0 November 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan