SourceJammer May 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan

Uses of Class

Packages that use EndOfSourceException

Uses of EndOfSourceException in JLibDiff

Methods in JLibDiff that throw EndOfSourceException
 void SJDiff.diffByteArray(byte[] current, byte[] newFile)
          Builds this diff from the two byte arrays, assuming that the byte arrays are text files in byte form.
 void SJDiff.diffTextLineReader(TextLineReader current, TextLineReader newFile)
          Builds this diff from the two TextLineReader objects.
 void SJDiff.diffTextLineIterator(TextLineIterator current, TextLineIterator newFile)
          Builds this diff from the two TextLineIterator objects.

Uses of EndOfSourceException in org.sourcejammer.project.controller

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.controller that throw EndOfSourceException
 void PreviousVersionSourceMaker.makePreviousVersionSource( deltaTarget)
          To use resourceses most wisely, I recommend that newVersion be already saved to disk before this method is called.
 void PreviousVersionSourceRetreiver.retreiveSource( flTarget)

Uses of EndOfSourceException in org.sourcejammer.server.make

Methods in org.sourcejammer.server.make that throw EndOfSourceException
 void ByteArrayChunkCompare.setIndex(int index)
          Explicitly sets the index value.
 void BufferedChunkCompare.setIndex(int index)
          Explicitly sets the index value.
 void BufferedChunkCompare.setIndex(int index, boolean optimistic)
          Explicitly sets the index value.
 BinaryDelta BuildDelta.buildBinaryDelta(byte[] byOld, byte[] byNew)
          Builds a delta file (BinaryDelta) representing the difference between the two byte arrays such that byNew can be reconstructed using just the BinaryDelta constructed here and byOld.
 TextDiff BuildDelta.buildTextDelta(byte[] byOld, byte[] byNew)
 TextDiff BuildDelta.buildTextDelta(byte[] byOld, TextLineReader readerNew)
 TextDiff BuildDelta.buildTextDelta(TextLineReader readerOld, TextLineReader readerNew)

Constructors in org.sourcejammer.server.make that throw EndOfSourceException
ByteArrayChunkCompare(byte[] source)
          Create a new ByteArrayChunkCompare object for a byte array, beginning with the first byte in the array.
ByteArrayChunkCompare(byte[] source, int iBeginIndex)
          Create a new ByteArrayChunkCompare object for a byte array, beginning with a specified index.
BufferedChunkCompare( source, boolean provideOutputBytes)

Uses of EndOfSourceException in org.sourcejammer.server.source

Methods in org.sourcejammer.server.source that throw EndOfSourceException
 java.lang.String SimpleTextLineIterator.getNextLine()
 void SimpleTextLineIterator.skipLines(int numLines)
abstract  java.lang.String TextLineIteratorOutput.getNextLine()
abstract  void TextLineIteratorOutput.skipLines(int numLines)
 void TextLineReader.setIndex(int index)
          Sets the index to the specified line number.
 void TextLineReader.skipLines(int numLines)
          Moves the index ahead by the specified number of lines.
 java.lang.String TextLineReader.getNextLine()
          Returns the next line and advances the index.
 java.lang.String TextLineReader.getCurrentLine()
          Returns the current line without adavancing the iterator.
 TextLineIteratorOutput TextDiff.buildFileTextLineIterator(TextLineIteratorOutput parent)
          Reconstructs fileTwo and returns it as a TextLineIterator. TextDiff.buildFile(SourceInputStream parent, int iEndOfLineType)
          Builds a text file from the parent using the build steps in this Delta.
 java.lang.String TextLineIterator.getNextLine()
          Returns the next line, if there are more lines to return.
 void TextLineIterator.skipLines(int numLines)
          Skips the requested number of lines.
 java.lang.String TextLineAdderIterator.getNextLine()
          Returns the next line, if there are more lines to return.
 void TextLineAdderIterator.skipLines(int numLines)
          Skips the requested number of lines.

Constructors in org.sourcejammer.server.source that throw EndOfSourceException
TextDiff(TextLineReader fileOne, TextLineReader fileTwo)
          Constructs a TextDiff using the two TextLineReaders.

SourceJammer May 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan