SourceJammer May 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan

Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeDoesNotExistException

Uses of NodeDoesNotExistException in org.sourcejammer.client.gui

Methods in org.sourcejammer.client.gui that throw NodeDoesNotExistException
 NodeInfo VersionListTableModel.getVersionNodeAt(int row)
 UserInfo UserListTableModel.getUserAt(int row)
          Returns UserInfo object at specified row.
 long ProjectTreeNode.getFileUniqueIDFromName(java.lang.String childName)
 NodeInfo ProjectTreeNode.getNodeInfo(java.lang.String fileName)
static boolean GuiUtil.areTextFilesSelected(ProjectTreeNode project, java.lang.String[] selectedFileNames)
          Determines if any of the selected files in project are text files.

Uses of NodeDoesNotExistException in org.sourcejammer.project

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project that throw NodeDoesNotExistException
 Node NodeList.getNode(int index)
          Returns a Node based on it's index value.
 Node NodeList.getNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Returns a Node based on it's unique name.
 Node NodeList.removeNode(int index)
          Removes a Node from the NodeList based on it's index value.
 Node NodeList.removeNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          Removes a Node from the NodeList based on it's unique name.

Uses of NodeDoesNotExistException in org.sourcejammer.project.controller

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.controller that throw NodeDoesNotExistException
 long Archive.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path)
          Returns unique id based on a path.
 void Archive.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
          Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 void Archive.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, java.lang.String newName, int index)
          & Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 void Archive.permanentlyDeleteRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
          Permanently delete the specified removed node from the archive.
 Label Archive.getLabelContentList(java.lang.String labelName)
          Returns the Label object (which contains the sourcejammer path and version number for each object in the labeled version) with the specified name.
 NodeInfo FileNode.removeOldestVersionNode(long key)
static long ControllerUtil.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path, NodeLibrary library)
          Converts a string path and parent project id into the id of a node.
 long ProjectController.getUniqueIDFromPath(long parentID, java.lang.String path)
 void ProjectController.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, int index)
 void ProjectController.restoreRemovedNode(long parentID, java.lang.String newName, int index)
          Restores a project or file node that was previously removed from the archive.
 void ProjectController.permanentlyDeleteRemovedNode(long projectID, int index)
          Permanently delete specified removed node.
 Label ProjectController.getLabelContentList(java.lang.String labelName)
          Returns the Label object (which contains the sourcejammer path and version number for each object in the labeled version) with the specified name.
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.removeChildNode(java.lang.String name, long key)
          Removes the child node with the specified name and adds it to removed children list.
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.restoreRemovedChildNode(int index, java.lang.String newName, long key)
          Restores the specified removed node using a new name as the node name.
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.permanentlyDeleteRemovedChildNode(int index, ArchiveInfo info, long key)
          Permanently delete a removed node from this cache and from the storage system.
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.getChildNode(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the child node with the specified name.
 java.lang.String ProjectNode.getChildNodeName(long uniqueID, int nodeType)
 ProjectChild ProjectNode.getRemovedChildInfo(int index)

Uses of NodeDoesNotExistException in org.sourcejammer.project.model

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.model that throw NodeDoesNotExistException
 void NodeLibrary.deleteNode(ControllerNode node)
 java.lang.String NodeLibrary.getProjectChildName(ProjectChild child)
          Low impact way of getting a node's name without adding the node or any of it's children to the cache.

Uses of NodeDoesNotExistException in org.sourcejammer.project.model.filesys

Methods in org.sourcejammer.project.model.filesys that throw NodeDoesNotExistException
static ProjectNodeFS Util.getRootNodeForArchive(ArchiveInfoFS info, NodeLibraryFS lib)
static ProjectNodeFS Util.readProjectNode(java.lang.String rootPath, java.lang.String fileName, long key, NodeLibraryFS lib)
static ProjectNodeFS Util.readProjectNode(java.lang.String rootPath, java.lang.String fileName, long key, java.util.Hashtable hshShareParents, ProjectNodeFS ndProject, NodeLibraryFS lib)
static void Util.deleteNodeAndAllChildrenFromFileSys(java.lang.String rootPath, NodeFS node, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Removes the node and all of its children from the file system.
static NodeAndShareParentPath XMLUtilFS.xmlToProject(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, long lKey, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Sets only basic information of children.
static NodeAndShareParentPath XMLUtilFS.xmlToProject(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, ProjectNodeFS ndProject, long lKey, NodeLibraryFS lib)
          Builds ProjectNode.
 java.lang.String NodeLibraryFS.getProjectChildName(ProjectChild child)
          Return the name of a project child object.
 void NodeLibraryFS.deleteNode(ControllerNode node)
static Label ConversionTools.xmlToLabelVer1_0(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String fileName, NodeLibrary oLibrary)

SourceJammer May 20, 2002
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Robert MacGrogan