Sharing Files and Folders

In SourceJammer, only files are shared. There is really no such thing as a shared Folder. However, it is possible for all of the files within a folder to be shared. And as a convenience SourceJammer provides a "Share Folder" action to quickly share all of the files in a give folder to another folder.

Sharing Files

To share a file or files:

  1. Select the file or files that you want to share.
  2. Select File | Share File(s) or right-click the files and select Share File(s).
  3. This brings up the Share File(s) dialog.

  4. Browse to the Folder where you want to create a share of the selected file or files.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. You should see the file's icon change to the "shared" icon ( or )

Sharing Folders

To share all the files in a folder:

  1. Select the folder that you want to share.
  2. Select Folder | Share Folder or right-click the folder and select Share Folder.
  3. This brings up the Share Folder dialog.

  4. Browse to the folder where you want to share the selected folder. Note: A new folder will be created in the target folder, and new sub folders will be created for each folder in the folder you are sharing.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. In the dialog that pops up, enter a new name for the folder you are sharing, if applicable. The name will be used to name the new folder that is created in the target folder.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. You should see all of the file icons in the folder change to the "shared" icon ( or ).